Monitoring Your Vision at Home
Monitoring your vision at home is critical to the health of your eyes. The importance of reporting vision changes is essential. Monitoring your vision one eye at a time is key to discover these changes. It is very important to monitor your vision regularly at home, one eye at a time, and notify us if you notice a change. Our staff will work with you to schedule you promptly for a Retina Exam for any new changes.
Checking an Amsler Grid daily is a great way to monitor your vision at home.

If you do not have an Amsler Grid, you can look at anything straight in your home, such as a doorframe, to detect changes. If you would like an Amsler Grid to monitor your vision at home, please ask our office, and we will provide you with one.
Monitoring your vision one eye at a time is vital for patients with conditions like diabetic retinopathy and dry macular degeneration. The diagnosis of dry macular degeneration may not require treatment, but wet macular degeneration does require treatment. A new occurrence of wet macular degeneration will often cause new distortion or blind spots in your vision. The Amsler Grid is a great way to monitor for new wavy lines. Getting to our office soon when you notice these changes is essential to begin treatment and likely prevent more severe vision loss.
We cannot stress enough, the importance of monitoring your vision at home one eye at a time in order to detect changes in your vision early! Remember to check your Amsler Grid daily. If you notice any new distortion, please notify our office. Covering one eye at a time is the best way to detect changes in your vision. Early treatment is critical to be able to help prevent further eye damage possible permanent vision loss or blindness. Keep monitoring your vision at home to help prevent progression in vision loss and damage to your eyes.