Solar Retinopathy/UV Protection
When the sun's out, UV Rays are also out. It is an important reminder this summer to protect our eyes from UV Ray exposure. Solar Retinopathy is a condition that occurs when the retina is damaged by photochemical toxicity as a result of sun exposure.
What happens?
Extended periods of sun exposure over time can result in damage to our retinal tissue. Typical harm usually occurs in the fovea, which is the part of the retina that provides our central, detailed vision. Damage from staring at the sun without protection can result in a central scotoma, or a blind spot in the center of the vision.
Can you recover from solar retinopathy?
Spontaneous recovery can sometimes occur within the first 3-6 months following diagnosis. Although your overall visual acuity may improve, you may always have the central scotoma.
How can I protect my eyes?
Wear sunglasses Wearing thr proper sunglasses while in the sun and in the shade will help protect your eyes from UV Rays and defend against dama to the eye. Y s thathit the eyes Wear Goggles and NEVER swim in contact lenses Bacteria in the water can create infections in the eye and if you wear contact lenses you may be more susceptible. ENNESSEE TINA .5 00! ...Wishing you a fun and safe summer!
There are ways to protect your eyes this summer including wearing sunglasses and wide brim hats. Proper sunglasses and wide brim hats can help protect us from UV Ray exposure. Be sure that your sunglasses are rated to block UVA and UVB rays. Ask your regular eye doctor about proper eye protection. Do all that you can to protect your eyes and have a fun and safe summer!